
Self Portrait
Self Portrait in a Mirror
47"x19" (119.4cmx48.2cm)

Bio Photo

Born in Japan, Nao Motomatsu, moved to New York City at the age of eleven.

In the summer of 2007, after graduating from Sarah Lawrence College, Nao began taking Mr. Sam Adoquei’s art classes at the National Academy. Since then, she has been an apprentice to Sam Adoquei, and works as an artist in New York City.

During her time at the National Academy, Nao has been awarded many scholarships, including The Louis Labeaume School Scholarship, The Nicolas Markatos Scholarship, and The Lillian Bogart Scholarship. She was also the recipient of a three-year certificate, and has won an award for her self-portrait in pencil, “Self Portrait in a Mirror.”

Her works have been exhibited in numerous shows and juried exhibitions at the National Academy School and at Union Square Studio Gallery in Union Square, NY.

Her painting, “Saturday Breakfast” has been published in Sam Adoquei’s How Successful Artists Study. Recently, her drawing, “Reflection” was selected to be published in The Strokes of Genius 5 in the fall 2013. Three of her paintings have been chosen as Finalists for the Artist's Magazine's Annual Art Competition in 2013.


Shows and Exhibition
2012 Nao Motomatsu Solo Exhibition, Union Square Studio Gallery, NY, NY
2012 Sounds and Reverberations, National Academy Museum, NY, NY
2012 Annual Juried Student Exhibition, National Academy Museum, NY, NY
2011 Annual Juried Student Exhibition, National Academy Museum, NY, NY
2010 Group Show-Timeless Art from Contemporary Artists, Union Square Studio Gallery, NY, NY
2010 Annual Juried Student Exhibition, National Academy Museum, NY, NY
2009 Group Show-Timeless Art from Seven Contemporary Artists, Union Square Studio Gallery, NY, NY
2009 Mid Year Student Show, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2009 Annual Juried Student Exhibition, National Academy Museum, NY, NY
2008 Mid Year Student Show, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2008 Annual Juried Student Exhibition, National Academy Museum, NY, NY
2007 Mid Year Student Show, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY

Artwork Published
2013 "Reflection",The Strokes of Genius 5 -Composition- by North Light Publishers
2010 "Saturday Breakfast",How Successful Artists Study by Sam Adoquei

Scholarships and Awards
2013 Finalist Award "Between Day & Dream", "Rebirth", & "LIfe, History and Science", The Artist's Magazine's Annual Competition
2012 Drawing Award "Self Portrait in a Mirror", National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2011 3-year Certificate, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2009 The Louis Labeaume School Scholarship, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2008 The School Benefit Fund, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2008 The Nicolas Markatos Scholarship, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2007 The Inga Denton Scholarship, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2007 The Lillian Bogart Scholarship, National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY

2007-Current Apprenticeship with Sam Adoquei
2007-2013 National Academy of Fine Arts, NY, NY
2004-2007 B.A. Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY